Community Projects

Throughout the history of the Chestnut Hill Garden Club, members have reached out to the community with projects such as the “Canning Kitchen” which was mentioned briefly in the history.  Following World War II the club volunteered at the Chelsea Naval Hospital and in 1949 the club took up the Compost Pile project in collaboration with the Town of Brookline to make and sell compost made from leaves.  The club has participated in many of the New England Flower Shows and members have opened their gardens to the public to raise funds to support current and upcoming projects.

The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture


The Corliss Engle Scholarship in Horticulture

In cooperation with the Garden Club of America, a Scholarship was established in 2010 to pay tribute to Corliss Knapp Engle, who was a member of the Chestnut Hill Garden Club for thirty years.  She was a valuable and influential presence in the GCA and in many other organizations in the field of horticulture.  As a tireless mentor to many, this scholarship will provide a means by which her dedication to education will continue.

For more information about the scholarship please visit the GCA website:

Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship

or contact  Scholarship Committee, Garden Club of America, 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022-1006, Phone:  (212) 753-8287, Email:

Annual Contributions

Each year, the Board votes to contribute to local organizations that promote the objectives of the club.  The following list includes organizations that have been supported in recent years:

American Chestnut Foundation
Arnold Arboretum
Boston Committee Blossom Fund
Brookline GreenSpace Alliance
Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship Fund
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Friends of Hall's Pond
GCA Garden History & Design Scholarship Fund
Garden Club Federation of MA (Peggy Patterson Scholarship)
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Massachusetts Horticultural Society
Newton Conservators
Native Plant Trust
Tower Hill Botanic Garden
Trustees of Reservations